Saturday, December 17, 2011

Exquisite Heron

The great blue heron broke her driftwood pose;
her wings plumed wide, over the stream she rose.

Rising high above the crystal waters,
a journey to a far off place she goes.

Floating on the air
the eagles’ wings flow,

gnashing their teeth
on a rumpus they go.

Glistening in the moonlight,
the blue, blue moonlight,

shimmering beams of stars
dance gleefully in azure.

Points of light coming from
how far? No one is sure.

- by Meleta Buckstaff, Carrie Geraci, Amy Goicoechea, Jennifer Hoffman, Doug Miller, Terry Roice, and Carol Schneebeck

This poem was created at the National Museum of Wildlife Art in conjunction with the “Exquisite Animal” exhibit, which runs through February 5, 2012, at 2820 Rungius Road.

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