Thursday, December 8, 2011

Exquisite Porcupine

She nibbles on old wooden steps,
wild roses shrink away in awe,

ambles on her way
poking around… curiously,

wondering why…
but knowing not.

The dark lines
would lead her back.

The bees get their breakfast,
“Eat at Joe’s.”

I didn’t know I would come
but I wanted to.

The snakes undulating all the way
through wildflowers.

- by Matt Daly, Fred Kingwell, Wendy Merrick, Mimi, Sue Mortensen, Carol Schneebeck, and Connie Wieneke

This poem was created at the National Museum of Wildlife Art in conjunction with the “Exquisite Animal” exhibit, which runs through February 5, 2012, at 2820 Rungius Road.

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